‘Running in the Dark’ sponsored by Fleet Feet Sports!

July 8, 2014

“Find the drive to climb after your own goals and provide the same support for others; this cannot be done alone.”
-Josh Crary (“The Boston Blind Runner”)

‘Running in the Dark’

Come participate in Fleet Feet’s weekly Thursday group run…with a twist!  After the group run, participants will hear from experienced guides and disabled and visually impaired athletes who are members of Achilles International’s CT Chapter.  Learn what athletes need and how guides support them so they can safely participate in athletic events. Then, with a partner, run blindfolded to experience some of what an athlete with a visual impairment faces out on the course!

Thursday, July 31st at 6:30 p.m.
Conard High School Track
110 Beechwood Road
West Hartford, CT 06107

RSVP to info@achillesct.org
Prizes & Refreshments will be served


July 8, 2014

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